You can do hard things!
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Gut Health Symptoms Questionnaire

Subscribe to my monthly Health & Heart newsletter full of feel good stories, journal practice prompts , tips on how to live healthier & more empowered and updates on services & events. You'll get my FREE Gut Health Questionnaire to see if your symptoms could be gut related.


FREE Gut Health Symptoms Questionnaire

Subscribe & get this FREE Gut Health Questionnaire to see if your symptoms could be gut related.

1-1 coaching
90-Day Glow-up: Total Transformation

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Client Love Notes

""I'm learning to establish a relationship with food that I can be proud of to lose some weight and feel better. I have a hormonal imbalance and chronic pain, she's even been able to help me with what foods can aid in my digestion and relief.""

-Elizabeth S.

"Alyssa helped me so much! She has taught me how to listen to my body when it tells me what it needs. She has also helped me to start loving myself again. Before her, going into a lake-side restaurant straight form boat in my swimsuit & my wrap would have been a nightmare come true, but I did it! AND took a full body picture with a friend & actually liked it!"

-Nikki W.

"I'm listening to my body on what types of food it "likes" or "doesn't like". I'm feeling better, I lost over 8 lbs during the cleanse and another 3.5 lbs since, bc I've learned to listen to what my body needs! But what is even better is the confidence I have gained!!! I'm so glad I did this with her, I learned so much and it was the change I needed!"

-Mary H.

Do you put yourself on the backburner?

Women by nature are givers and have a tendency to always take care of everyone else... we shrink ourselves and put our own needs on the backburner.

Making yourself a priority is something that we, as women, are not used to doing, and when we try? Well then, the guilt sets in, but self-care is not something to feel guilty about.

Empowering women and helping them to transform their lives and become the best version of themselves is my mission in life. Radical self-acceptance is so important for transformation. 

I cant wait to begin this journey with you!

Be sure to join my community of empowered women like you who are taking control of their health and their lives. @Coach.Alyssa.Martinez

Free Gut Health Questionnaire

Subscribe to my monthly Health & Heart newsletter full of feel good stories, journal practice prompts , tips on how to live healthier & more empowered and updates on services & events. You'll get my FREE Gut Health Questionnaire to see if your symptoms could be gut related.

Frequently asked questions

This is a 50-ish min video chat session dedicated totally to you where we get to know each other. We will discuss your goals, what's been stopping you from reaching your goals, and see if what I have to offer will actually help you. I do NOT work with every person or invite every person into the VIP program. If I don't believe that I can help you or that it would not be a good fit, I will tell you and refer you to other resources or possibly another coach. No point in wasting time and money! I truly care and want you to get the best experience possible.

Yes! of course! You can put a $350 non-refundable deposit down and split the payments up. 

I also accept PayPal credit (6 months no interest to pay) and AfterPay (up to 12 months no interest) as well for other payment options.

I try to work with you to make sure you get what you need to succeed so talk to me, let's work out the details.

My services are all virtual! You will receive a unique video chat link that you will log in to every week for our session. This makes it much more convenient for the busy women trying to get s***t done! 

You have 24 hours for a deposit refund- After that, unfortunately there are no refunds. This is to ensure that you don't give up on yourself if/when sessions get difficult.

My job as your coach and your accountability partner is to meet you where you are and help set you up for inevitable success. Even 1 inch forward is a step forward! As long as you put in the work and give the same energy into the process as I'm putting in, you WILL succeed. So, with all the love and respect, if you are not ready to put in the work, don't waste your money. 

Unfortunately, I do not accept insurance at this time, though, some clients have been able to successfully use their HSA to pay for coaching services.